About Us

Client Centred Care

Spectrum Health Care is committed to delivering the highest quality care to our clients and families.

Below are some of the many ways we work to ensure our care is patient/client and family-centered.

Spectrum Health Care is committed to putting our patients first by providing quality-centred care. We depend on patients and their families to be our partners in the provision of quality health care services. Together we value:

Having a voice

  • Being personally involved in my care
  • Having my questions answered in a way that I can understand
  • Talking about my fears and concerns with my health care professional
  • Giving my family the chance to speak to my health care professional
  • Being listened to, and knowing that what I have to say will be valued
  • Being able to decide if I want to accept or refuse treatment/care based on my understanding of the risks and benefits involved
  • Getting help with a language barrier if I need it
  • Informing the health care team of any changes in my condition


  • Partnering with my health care professional to work towards meeting my health care goals
  • Being respectful and considerate to all Spectrum Health Care employees
  • Taking part in decisions about my care with my health care professional
  • Having my treatment/care explained understandably
  • Being encouraged and supported by my health care professional to return to independence
  • Being prepared for discharge
  • Knowing who to direct complaints to at Spectrum Health Care

Courtesy & Respect

  • Caring for me with dignity and respect
  • Treating me with courtesy and compassion
  • Treating others with courtesy and kindness
  • Considering my views and beliefs
  • Respecting my right to privacy
  • Notifying Spectrum Health Care if scheduled appointment or visit time is not convenient
  • Keeping informed when my health care professional will arrive


  • Receiving my care in a timely way based on need
  • Receiving the best possible quality of care
  • Receiving care from the health care professional or team of health care professionals
  • Feeling safe when treatment/care is provided
  • Having my service provider understand my needs


  • Knowing how to set up my home and move around safely
  • Having my safety needs addressed
  • Learning about my role in patient safety and becoming aware of safety issues and steps I can take to reduce risk
  • Asking Spectrum Health Care employees for their picture identification
  • Keeping all animals away from care area (except service animals)
  • Refraining from smoking one hour prior to service and for the duration of the service
  • Not giving loans, gifts, tips or entering into private work agreements with Spectrum Health Care employees

We are committed to putting our patients first by providing quality, patient and family centred care. Our goal is to create the best possible patient experience. We depend on patients and families to be our partners in achieving this. Together we value: Having a Voice, Partnership, Courtesy and Respect, Quality and Safety.

As a patient, family member, substitute decision maker or caregiver, you have the right to expect that every Spectrum employee, shall respect and promote your rights as follows:

  1. To be dealt with in a respectful manner and to be free from physical, sexual, mental, emotional, verbal and financial abuse.
  2. To be dealt with in a manner that respects your dignity and privacy, and that promotes your autonomy and participation in decision-making.
  3. To be dealt with in a manner that recognizes your individuality and that is sensitive to and responds to your needs and preferences, including preferences based on
    ethnic, spiritual, linguistic, familial and cultural factors.
  4. To receive home and community care services free from discrimination as per the Human Rights Code or the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  5. A patient who is First Nations, Métis or Inuk has the right to receive home and community care services in a culturally safe manner.
  6. To receive clear information about your home and community care services in a format that is accessible to you.
  7. To participate in the assessment and reassessment of your needs, as well as the development and revision of your care plan.
  8. To designate a person to be present with you during assessments, and to participate in the development, evaluation and revisions to your care plan.
  9. To receive assistance in coordinating your services.
  10. To give or refuse consent to the provision of any home and community care service.
  11. To raise concerns or recommend changes related to the services that you receive, and with policies and decisions that affect your interests, without fear of interference, coercion, discrimination or reprisal.
  12. To be informed of the laws, rules and policies affecting the delivery of the home and community care services, including this Patient Bill of Rights, and to be informed, in writing, of the procedures for initiating complaints about the services you are receiving.

Spectrum Health Care is a quality driven organization that values feedback from our clients and their families. This is how we ensure our care is patient-centered and delivered in a way that meets the needs of those we serve.

Every quarter we conduct a Patient Satisfaction Survey, reaching out to patients and families to ask about their experience with Spectrum Health Care, the services they have received, and the staff who provided the care. We use the results of this survey to inform clinical and operational improvements in partnership with our Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC).

Spectrum has a patient-centred care philosophy at the forefront of all initiatives and activities. This philosophy has guided the involvement of our Patient and Family Advisory Council in organizational activities, including the evaluation of existing services as well as ideas for new programs and services.

Spectrum's engaged Patient and Family Advisory Council developed the Patient and Family-Centred Care Framework which focuses on providing respectful, compassionate, culturally responsive care that respects the values, lifestyles, needs, cultural backgrounds and beliefs, and preferences of patients and their family members in diverse backgrounds by working collaboratively with them. The Patient and Family Advisory Council improves patient care experiences by serving in an advisory capacity, making recommendations on matters that impact the experience of patients and families at Spectrum.

Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO)

Spectrum Health Care is designated a Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO) by the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO).

The BPSO program is a dynamic partnership between RNAO and health care/academic organizations that focuses on making positive impacts on patient care through evidence-based practices.

Spectrum Health Care has implemented a number of RNAO Best Practice Guidelines in order to enhance the quality of nursing care provided to patients. These guidelines include:

Why is being a BPSO organization important to us?

Achieving the BPSO designation illustrates our long-term commitment to expand and improve our nursing services through world class evidence-based guidelines and practices. We are confident that our patients will see improvements in the quality of care they receive and our staff will gain valuable knowledge that will enrich their skills as clinical practitioners.

Being designated as a BPSO gives our nurses access to many enrichment opportunities including access to knowledge exchange symposiums, professional development programs, and eligibility for additional “Champion” roles within Spectrum.

Best Managed Companies

Accredited with exemplary standing - Accreditation Agreement Canada

Registered Member of Home Care Ontario

ORCA Commercial Member