Spectrum Health Care Foundation: Changing Lives

It has been a difficult year for many not for profit organizations. Now more than ever, the grassroots organizations that Spectrum Health Care Foundation partners with need resources and funding. Thanks to our employees' donations our Foundation is able to provide support for life changing services that help frail seniors, people living with disabilities and mental health issues, and families.
What we’ve been doing in 2021 so far
In 2021 we are continuing to support these organizations in the GTA by providing resources and funds:
1. EveryMind Mental Health Services
The Foundation made a donation of $5,000 to EveryMind’s Child Witness Program. The Child Witness Program is an educational preparatory program providing emotional support to children and youth who have experienced or have been witness to sexual or physical violence and are required to testify in criminal court. Their objective is to prepare these young individuals to successfully go through the court process without feeling re-traumatized.
2. Rose of Sharon
The Foundation donated $3,000 to Rose of Sharon to sponsor their High School Celebration Night by covering student awards for 8 students graduating. Attending high school while looking after a baby or young children is difficult. This is an amazing achievement and a testament to their hard work and dedication to build positive lives for themselves and their children.
3. Dorothy Ley Hospice
This year the annual Hike for Hospice will be a virtual interactive walk during the month of September. Spectrum Health Care Foundation donated $2500 for the walk, which has been raising money for the last 19 years for their hospice.
4. Society of Sharing
Society of Sharing delivers services to isolated, lonely and frail seniors and adults with physical disabilities in the Toronto area. The Foundation donated $6,200 in the form of grocery gift cards, police checks for volunteers and a socialization program that gave out refreshments and art supplies.
5. LOFT Community Services
LOFT provides support and hope to people facing complex mental and physical health challenges, addictions, dementia, homelessness or risk of homelessness. LOFT’s clients continue to experience increased food insecurity as the pandemic continues on. Our support of $5,000 will provide 625 much needed meals to our most vulnerable seniors.