Our Foundation is giving back to the community!

“We are all in this together”
We hear this phrase often these days but actions speak louder than words. And now more than ever, actions of empathy, compassion and care are needed to strengthen the people and families that make our cities and towns resilient and strong.
At Spectrum, our Foundation is typically 100% employee-funded and focused on helping grassroots organizations in the communities we service. Stronger communities mean better health outcomes for everyone.
The organizations we have chosen to support this year care for the local populations in which we work. These grassroots organizations are the backbones of their communities and the best place for us to impact societal well-being. This year Spectrum is matching employee-funded Foundation spend for a total impact of $100,000.
These are five organizations we supported this year:
1. EveryMind Mental Health Services provides mental health services for infants, children, youth, young adults and their families struggling with mental health challenges in Brampton, Mississauga and surrounding Caledon areas. Funds are being used to support specific community services including Respite Services and Counseling Services with a special focus on youth age 18-25 who often struggle for funding support.
2. Rose of Sharon provides support and educational services to prenatal and parenting young women under the age of 25 across York Region. The team is using our money to purchase diapers and other baby supplies for vulnerable families living on limited incomes.
3. Arthritis Society supports the 6 million Canadians living every day with arthritis. Our contributions support the Childhood Arthritis Backpack Program along with specialized equipment and splints for seniors in need.
4. Society of Sharing delivers services to isolated, lonely and frail seniors and adults with physical disabilities in the Toronto area. Our donation will support iPads for isolated seniors and internet that will support virtual connection and programming. Donations will also support provision of food for frail seniors.
5. LOFT Community Services offers community-based support and services to people facing complex mental and physical health challenges, addictions, dementia, or homelessness. Spectrum funds are being used to provide personal care supplies and meals to some of the most vulnerable people in Toronto.