Maxine is our December Employee of the Month!

Congratulations to Maxine Nangle, Seniors for Seniors’ December Employee of the Month.
Maxine genuinely cares about her clients and the work that she does. She is a valued Companion with Seniors for Seniors and she is consistently praised by her clients for her dedication.
We asked Maxine to share her experience being a senior companion:
1. How did you hear about Seniors for Seniors and why did you decide to join the company?
I first heard about Seniors for Seniors years ago when there were ads on the radio. Later on, my Mom used Seniors for Seniors for odd jobs around the house. I decided to join the company while researching retirement options and had called them while still working full-time. After I retired earlier this year, I contacted the company.
2. What is your favourite companion/caregiver experience or story?
I have a number of hobbies, among them crocheting. I had been introduced to a new client in her home for housekeeping, and the family members were present. This client has some cognitive issues but the family mentioned that she enjoyed crocheting and found out I crocheted as well. Her eyes lit up! Now we crochet together and she makes sure I keep up on my projects! I bring a project with me so she can see my progress.
3. How Seniors for Seniors benefited your clients?
One of my roles with Seniors for Seniors is accompanying those who need a companion support when they need to access health care. Many of the clients that I interact with in this role use accessible transportation and do not have family or friends that can go with them to appointments. Being able to access health care is a big challenge, especially post-Covid. I am glad to be a part of maintaining and improving health care with this group.
4. How has being a Seniors for Seniors caregiver enriched your life?
I have met some really interesting people, and I learn about different medical procedures. I often bring a small crochet project with me when visiting or accompanying clients, and it is gratifying to see seniors who may have cognitive problems remember when they or their parents used to crochet. This is a good starting point for conversations and it is an excellent opportunity to learn their wisdom, life tips and stories.
Want to learn more about being a Senior Companion? You can visit our employment page here.