Betty-Anne is our August Employee of the Month!

Congratulations to Betty Anne Readman, Seniors for Seniors’ August Employee of the Month.
We are pleased to announce Betty Anne Readman as our August Employee of the Month.
Betty-Anne was chosen because of her passionate approach to providing quality care to her clients.
We asked Betty-Anne to share her experience as a senior companion.
1. How did you hear about Seniors for Seniors and why did you decide to join the company?
In April of 2013 I saw an advertisement in the local paper offering the Seniors for Seniors service. It struck me that offering this service was wonderful and humanitarian. Seniors have so much to offer and what could be better than helping the same demographic. Also I was thinking of retiring and knew I would need to be of some use to others. A little extra cash was good too.
2.What is your favourite companion/caregiver experience or story?
There was a gentleman in Grimsby that needed to have me make some dinner for him. He was living in his daughter’s house. He wanted a steak that was defrosting in the fridge. Some left over potatoes and vegetables too were on the menu. He was a gentle person and only said. “Please could you do the steak on medium heat for 7 minutes each side.” Easy peasy . I did that and then set the table for him. I do like rummaging around to find what is needed. He ate his dinner with great enjoyment and gave such lovely compliments. I could tell from his grooming and attitude he would like things clean and neat for when his daughter to came home.
All of this I did and I was rewarded by the very nicest of smiles from a dignified individual.
3. How has Seniors for Seniors benefited your clients?
How does one bottle Joy? That is what I see on the faces of my clients when we ( all of the Seniors for Seniors Staff) visit. It can fill ones heart to know that a simple cup of tea, a caring attitude can bring this joy.
4. How has being a Seniors for Seniors caregiver enriched your life?
Truly, I have learned more from my clients than they learned from me. The generation I care for is truly inspiring. The women particularly are so resilient and some of the stories should be published. One client lost a cousin during the war. His ship was bombed and he and most of his companions managed to scramble aboard the life boat. Some sailors were still in the water. One such young lad could not swim so the cousin jumped into the sea so the non swimmer could get on board. Of course the young hero was lost.
Want to learn more about being a Senior Companion? You can visit our employment page here.