A big thank you to all nurses!

This week we celebrate National Nursing Week with the theme #WeAnswerTheCall.
This theme was developed by the Canadian Nurses Association to showcase the vital role that nurses play in a patient’s health care journey.
Now more than ever, the pandemic reminds us of the importance of nurses. Nurses are the ones who answer the call every day and for every patient. Within our Spectrum family we honour our home visiting nurses, enterostomal therapy nurses focused on wound care, palliative nurses, foot care nurses and clinic nurses, all of whom provide quality health care services to our patients and families across the Greater Toronto Area. The dedication and commitment of our incredible nursing team is critical to keeping our patients cared for and safe in their homes.
While most of our nurses work exclusively in the field, we have a small number of nurses who also work from our branch offices. Our home support supervisors and nursing program managers are a dedicated team of nursing professionals who oversee and support our nurses and personal support workers, and ensure our patients receive the best home care services possible.
During National Nursing Week and throughout the year, Spectrum Health Care extends our deepest appreciation and thanks to our nurses for everything they do caring for our patients.
Thank you to all nurses for your care and expertise. Thank you for answering the call.