Xalibe Update: Reducing infant mortality in Guatemala
Though improved in recent years, the infant mortality rate in Guatemala remains a critical issue.
Thanks to our partnership, Spectrum Health Care and CHOICE are doing something about it! Linked to the Xalibe hospital project, is an enhanced midwife program to significantly reduce infant deaths during pregnancy, labor and in-home deliveries. In addition to ensuring a safe pregnancy and delivery, child resuscitation training has become another focal point.
On a recent CHOICE expedition to Guatemala, Dr. Anton Ambrose (seen in the picture below), a renowned gynecologist took part in our midwife-training program. Dr. Ambrose is a gynecologist with over 30 years experience and has safely delivered at least 10,000 babies over the course of his career. During his trip, Dr. Ambrose reviewed child resuscitation, drugs that can be useful during abnormal bleeding during birth, and best practices for delivery with the midwives.