Xalibe Update: April 2013

Image: Xalibe Update: April 2013

You've heard a little about the hospital in Nueva Conception.

This first of its kind facility will radically bolster the health of hundreds of communities AND protect future generations from easily preventable disease and fatality. CHOICE is proud to honor Spectrum Health Care as a participating partner in this critical program.

The hospital has been a long-time wish of Rosa Alta, a well-known resident of Xalibe. From her neighboring home, she has watched the construction of the hospital with trepidation and hope that life will be different for her children. Rosa lost several children due to pregnancy complications and unattended dysentery--situations easily remedied but turned fatal for Rosa because she lacked access to a hospital. Her children now grown, Rosa has worried that her daughters would also experience the same pain of loosing a child. "I think the hospital is amazing," she says, "it will change the lives of my children and my children's children."

On behalf of Rosa, Xalibe, and all of the surrounding communities who will have access to this hospital, we thank you Spectrum Health Care for your support. Access to healthcare is a key ingredient to creating self-reliant communities. Thanks to your partnership, Spectrum Health Care is ending poverty AND protecting the lives of generations to come!


Megan Ah Mu
Development Director | CHOICE Humanitarian