Summer is not over yet

It's August already but summer is not over yet!
Are you planning your next vacation? Be sure to take the necessary precautions when you are going on your holiday. We’ve compiled some of the top 3 ways you can be prepared for any summer excursion.
1. Know what medical services are available to you
You never know if you may need assistance, fortunately there are many resources in cottage areas and small towns. If you’re travelling for an extended period of time within the province, plan in advance and learn about the medical care that’s available to you. If you have used or regularly use Spectrum Patient Transfer Services, contact us to find out whether we are in the location that you are visiting:
2. Protect yourself from the sun
Whether you are traveling to the beach (or even a snow-covered mountain!), there are things you can do to keep your skin and eyes safe from the dangers of the sun.
- Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against both UV-A and UV-B radiation from the sun. It should have an SPF rating of 15 or higher. Apply the sunscreen 15-30 minutes before going out in the sun and reapply it often. Always reapply the sunscreen after swimming or any physical activity.
- If you are taking any medications, check with your doctor or pharmacist to make sure that they do not cause photosensitivity, which makes you more susceptible to skin damage from the ultraviolet light of the sun.
To learn more about protecting your skin from sun damage, you can read our previous post about skin protection here.
3. Have a technology backup plan
Technology isn’t always 100% guaranteed! Depending where you travel, you may lose connection to cellular service, or your GPS may not be up-to-date with road changes; always have a backup plan! Paper maps are a good idea to carry, along with emergency water, food and other supplies just to be safe.
Whether you are taking a day trip to the cottage or spending a week camping, it is always a good idea to take precautions to protect you and your loved ones. Doing so will allow you to enjoy your trip while also being prepared in case something disrupts your holiday plans.