Healthy Tip Tuesday: You know what they say about cleanliness

The saying goes that “cleanliness is next to impossible.”
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Cleanliness is indeed an important component of a healthy lifestyle. As your loved ones age, staying on top of daily hygiene may require additional planning and time. We have put together this handy checklist to assist your loved one with their daily cleaning ritual.
You can print out the checklist and hang it in you or your loved one’s bathroom as a reminder of all the steps needed to stay clean. There are resources available to assist the senior in your life with their daily hygiene routine such as Personal Support Workers and Senior Companions. To learn more about the importance of hygiene in seniors, read this article.
* feet can provide early warning signs about serious health problems such as diabetes and arthritis. People can develop foot problems as they age, which puts their health, independence and well-being at risk. Click here for more information on the importance of proper foot care.