Brian is our April Employee of the Month!

Congratulations to Brian Armstrong, Seniors for Seniors’ April Employee of the Month.
We are pleased to announce Brian Armstrong as our April Employee of the Month.
Brian was chosen because of his dedication and loyalty to his clients. He always provides great service and is attentive to his clients' needs.
We asked Brian to share his experience as a senior companion.
1. How did you hear about Seniors for Seniors and why did you decide to join the company?
I was told about Seniors for Seniors by a friend and went to visit the office. Signed up right there and then.
2.What is your favourite companion/caregiver experience or story?
They all have amazing stories. One man needed a simple visit and told me how he started out as a kid running a Diesel engine in a submarine during the war. After the war he applied to a diesel company for a job and retired as the Canadian Caterpillar Corporation as the President. Amazing!
3. How has Seniors for Seniors benefited your clients?
Some people don’t have anyone and are scared to go to their appointments. It makes me feel good knowing that I had a chance to make their day a little more fun and a little less scary.
4. How has being a Seniors for Seniors caregiver enriched your life?
Stories like this keeps me grounded as I also am a retired CEO. Proud to help seniors.
Want to learn more about being a Senior Companion? You can visit our employment page here.